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I am a fun loving girl who sometimes be over excitable. I love anything Sporty and never mind getting my hands dirty. I don't have a favorite colour because I love anything that is bursting bright with colours. I am hard working , and i work well independently , but i also can work very well in a group.I will have a go at what ever anyone throws at me even i know it will be a challenge for me to succeed at. I Listen to Music every single day no matter if i am sad or happy , what ever occasion i will find a song that is suitable. Music is a big passion of mine and i love researching into it, for example the history of artists and the origins of the many music genres. ENJOY :)

Thursday 3 March 2011

Q5) How did you attract/address your audience?

Our group decided that we really wanted to create a thriller/action film opening and that with the right shots we could produce and excellent film opening. By watching other film openings similar to the genre we had chosen we were able to identify how to produce a successful opening.
We wanted our opening sequence to have the same effect as the movie ‘memento’ and we followed the typical conventions of the genre, to make the opening sequence mysterious, chilling and to also make the viewer think by giving them clues.

To create our opening sequence we knew that the shots would be extremely important to make it successful. We decided to use range of close ups and extreme close ups, this was to attract the viewer interested plus to add tension and also to show significance of shots. For example we used a close of the phone, hat and the masking tape this was to address to the audience that these objects were important to either the whole story or the opening sequence. We also used panning in our opening sequence this was to address to the audience the settings, For example we panned the wall with a mid long shot and a close up this was to give the audience the clues. We panned the characters body this was to show that the character was in trouble and to attract the audience and to keep them wondering what was going to happen next. The first shot is a Pan across the wall to keep audiences wondering what was going to happen next. The next shot is a close up pan to let them see the information on the wall to give clues. Next is a close up of article to let the audience to start piecing the story together. Then it’s Close up of photo to let the audience establish 2 characters. After that it’s the close up of the hat to let the audience wonder who it belongs to. Next it’s atilt of wall to show more information as this opening sequence is like a puzzle they need to put things together. Then there is a shot of the photo to establish more characters. The next shot is a pan of the body was to keep the audience hooked as panning walls can let them lose concentration and they would want to know who that person was and what they have to do with the story. After is the second article helps gives a clearer understanding of what the fill is coming to be about. Next is the phone on the floor shows the audience that it has significance later on. The next shot is the extreme close up of the hands tied up get the audiences thinking about why he is tied up and who tied him up. Then it is he close up of the phone ringing with a name on it is another way to establish character to the audience. Next shot is the close up of article is one of the most important as it gives the audience a sense of danger. The boot s walking shoot were you not see the person keeps the audience wondering what is going on. The bird eye view of the boot stepping on the photo attracts the audience as it makes them be the eyes of that person.  The next shot with the masking tape on the floor shows the audience that it has significance later on. The bird eye view of the character tied up attracts the audience as it makes them be the eyes of that person. After that shot the next shot is the medium long shot of the man legs and the long shot of the boy lying down keeps the room attracted and interested. And finally the extreme close of the bys eyes is the final shot and it is one of the final pieces of the puzzle. We used short and quick cuts to build up tension in the opening sequence for example the close up shots of the writing on the walls, we did this to give apprehension. In editing we used several of transitions to create mystery in the opening sequence, by using fades we created suspense for example when fading in and out of voice over/flashbacks.
Sound is used from the start of the opening sequence this is the first thing that the audience hear or see when the sequence starts. This is to attract the audience straight away and to draw them in so that they are persuaded to watch and listen to the rest. The first voice over when the Character Sarah is speaking it gives the audience the very first clue that they are able to hear. As the music is still playing in the background wile the shots are shown it address the audience as they want to keep watching as the eerie music creates a certain mood to the opening sequence. The next voice over is Johnathan threatening Sarah this is could address the audience as they may what them to watch more. The third voiceover shows the audience more information about the film and it keeps them wondering what is going to happen next.  After that voiceover is a heart rate monitor hitting g a flat line this will attract the audience as they can tell that death or danger will occur. The last voiceover is of the father suggesting that some had hurt his daughter the audience can use the voiceovers to try piece together the clues. The music continues to play in the background and the shots match the music this keeps the audience interested. The sounds of footsteps walking match the shots of someone walking just to add more things to the opening sequence and to make it more creative. The last sound of when the eyes open creates tension and we used this to keep the audience hooked right till the last minute. The sound of the smoke when the title comes up is a way to and tension to the opening sequence.

We also identified that sound is very important in a opening sequence, it sets and creates the mood. To make sure we created the right mood for the sequence we had to make sure we add the right soundtrack, this was so we could attract and address to the audience what the film opening was going to be about or at least give the genre of the opening sequence. We made the sound parallel to the opening sequence. We used non- diegetic sounds such as the Sarah speaking to Nicholas , this was to keep the audience interested also to address to the audience there are more main characters in the story. We also used diegetic sounds to address that there was another character in the room and also to give the clues to what is going to happen next, for example the father’s footsteps.

I would expect the audience to think that most thrillers are e cliff-hangers and it should be leaving them at the edge of their seats, also they would think that the plot should have build up towards a climax. We used all these things in our opening sequence to attract the audience. Other successful movies with same themes as ours are ‘Memento’ and ‘Shutter Island’ and these address the audience.

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