About Me

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I am a fun loving girl who sometimes be over excitable. I love anything Sporty and never mind getting my hands dirty. I don't have a favorite colour because I love anything that is bursting bright with colours. I am hard working , and i work well independently , but i also can work very well in a group.I will have a go at what ever anyone throws at me even i know it will be a challenge for me to succeed at. I Listen to Music every single day no matter if i am sad or happy , what ever occasion i will find a song that is suitable. Music is a big passion of mine and i love researching into it, for example the history of artists and the origins of the many music genres. ENJOY :)

Thursday 3 March 2011

Q4)  Who would be the audience for your media product?

Without an audience no real film would have a purpose, at when coming up with a film idea the writers decide who they are going to aim there film towards thinking about the age group, the interests, the gender, the ethnicity, the lifestyle, the  area of living , income range , if they are working or in education, personality, and about their beliefs. They not only think about the primary audience but also the secondary audience as well. Primary audience is the main people who the film is targeted at, secondary audience are not the main target audience however they are likely to go see it. 

For our film opening we decided that we will aim our opening sequence at males aged between 15-40 years old .We choose a male target audience as the primary audience as we felt that the majority of themes in our opening sequence would appeal to men then women for example the themes of thriller and action. We also discussed the demographics which are the characteristics of the audience, so we had to think about the class group of the audience, the class group we aimed our opening sequence at was the working class. The target audience that we were aiming would probably be living in an urban environment compared to rural areas because people in rural areas are more likely going to be able to relate to the actions and themes in our opening sequence as the story is set in a rural area.

Most of the people we were aiming at would probably visit the cinema on Fridays and Saturdays in the evenings and maybe Wednesdays and Tuesdays in the evening or during the day as some of cinemas have offers on them days for example most cinemas like Cineworld have discount Tuesday where all the ticket prices are cheaper and at most popular cinemas like Vue have Orange Wednesday’s where people are with the mobile phone network are able to get 2 for 1 deals on cinema tickets. If any on the target audiences did have children they would not be able to bring them as our certificate of the film is a 15.

In addition we had to discuss Psychographics of the audience this includes the personality, lifestyle, interests, Attitudes, Values and beliefs. The audience that would watch the film would most likely have the personality of an extrovert. Those that are interested in action/thrillers and are not scared of gory violence was are main target audience.

Our Secondary target audience is females aged between 15-36 years old this is because most women are stereotypically not into action/thriller but also because ou product has a sub genre of Romance this may interest them more. Secondary audiences would also go to watch this genre of movie because they went with a group of friends, a familiar actor or actress was playing a role in it, a familiar director directed it, promotional offers at the cinema, because it is playing at a certain cinema and many more reasons

We choose the primary target group to be men aged from 16-26 as we felt that it would appeal to them more and it would entertain them more. We choose working class as this is because we feel that people of an upper or middle class would not be able to relate to the story and also may not have the time as they will have full time jobs and careers. As the film is set in an urban area we thought that people living in an urban area like in London or Birmingham than would understand it that people from a rural area like Cornwall or the Lake District. We thought the people most likely to visit the cinema in the evenings as they would most likely be at work. However the teenagers over 16 might visit the cinema on weekdays and in the morning/ afternoon as some might not be in education or they might finish college, school or sixth form early that day.

We decided to make our film a certificate 15 and not a certificate of 12 as we felt that it needed to reach a more mature audience and that it would limit the amount of people going to see it if it was a certificate 18. The film would appeal more to extroverts as it is a very high impacted film with a lot of action and the characters in the film are also extrovert and they can relate to them more than introverts would.   

Other movies that our primary target audience would be watching are movies with an action or thriller genre. Movies like ‘Kid adulthood’, ‘The fast and furious’  and ‘4 3 2 1’ as these three are all action movies and because its actions and events that happen thought the movie is similar to our film. Examples of thriller movies are ‘Memento’, ‘Blade’ and ‘Disturbia’ these would all appeal to our main target audience which are males aged between 15-40 years old.

The secondary target audience would enjoy movies like ‘Transformers’, ‘The Bourne Identity’ and ‘Jumper’. These are all action and thriller movies with a hint of romance ,which would appeal to our secondary audience that are females aged between 15-36 years old as most women enjoy movies with action but also like the  theme romance and love and this is what is in our film.

In the last six months I think that our primary target audience would of went to see movies like ‘Shutter Island’ , ’Inception’ and ‘Salt’  as they are high in pack and they involve death, thriller and action these are exciting action filled and thrilling Hollywood movies that came out this year. The secondary audience might have seen ‘Twilight 3’,  ‘Iron Man 2’and ‘Skyline’  within the last six months ,which would appeal to our secondary audience that are females aged between 15-36 years old as it includes action , and love.

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