About Me

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I am a fun loving girl who sometimes be over excitable. I love anything Sporty and never mind getting my hands dirty. I don't have a favorite colour because I love anything that is bursting bright with colours. I am hard working , and i work well independently , but i also can work very well in a group.I will have a go at what ever anyone throws at me even i know it will be a challenge for me to succeed at. I Listen to Music every single day no matter if i am sad or happy , what ever occasion i will find a song that is suitable. Music is a big passion of mine and i love researching into it, for example the history of artists and the origins of the many music genres. ENJOY :)

Thursday 3 March 2011

Q2)  How does your opening sequence represent particular social groups?

In our opening sequence we only used one key character, which is the main character throughout the film and has the most significance usually to the movie. The character represents a typical young male, that has been probably been brought up on the streets and has or had a recent girlfriend also you can tell that he has got himself in to a dangerous satiation. We decided to show this with our camera shots by showing shots of  the character ( Nicholas) with a girl (Sarah) you assume that they maybe a couple and by panning  Nicholas’s body tied up you can tell he is in trouble. Nicholas would appeal other young people or teenagers due to the way he is dressed and because he is also a young person. Nicholas is like a character in the movie ‘Kid adulthood’ Sam Peel who is played by Noel Clarke, represents a young person who is involved with the wrong people on the street sand in the end get into trouble.

Another character that was established in our opening sequence was the father (Johnathan) and he represents a typical overprotective psycho father who cares for his daughter this is similar to the movies “Father of the bride” this is where a father is scared that his little girl is growing up and he’s going to loose her, and also the movie “Because I Sad So” this is about a mother that controls her daughters life and doesn’t let her make her own decisions. The shots of the picture of the father and the daughter you can see he has his arm around her, we decided to choose a photo like that to show his is protective of his daughter. We used the setting as a dark room with walls filled up with newspaper cuttings show that his is a psycho.  We also used editing to show that the father was psycho by using short, quick shots making the opening sequence more like a thriller. This character is similar to Bryan who is played by Liam Neeson in the movie ‘Taken’ (2008) where a man is who wants revenge on whoever kidnapped his daughter.

The final character in the opening sequence was the daughter (Sarah) she represents a average teenage girl, who works hard in her studies, who loves to have fun when out with her mates, she also is a little daddy’s girl and she listens to everything that her dad says and she also falls in love with a of boy of the “streets”. Her father isn’t very happy about this but he allows it any way. The he shot with the close up of Sarah and Nicholas  represent s how happy they are together , also the lighting we used to set up the scene we used a hint of red this was to represent love.
As we only had 3 members in our group and two of us were girls, we had to make the boy in our group the main character. This was advantage as he knew what we wanted him to portray, this is because he had the same creative as us as he knew how we wanted to show the character .We did not have to waste time explaining to him the plot of out opening and what we wanted him to do. Another advantage was that we knew that he and I had dedication to the opening sequence and we knew that we’d be both would be reliable as we were already there on the shooting day. As the cast consisted of two people and it was easy to direct as we both knew what we had to represent as the characters. 

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