About Me

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I am a fun loving girl who sometimes be over excitable. I love anything Sporty and never mind getting my hands dirty. I don't have a favorite colour because I love anything that is bursting bright with colours. I am hard working , and i work well independently , but i also can work very well in a group.I will have a go at what ever anyone throws at me even i know it will be a challenge for me to succeed at. I Listen to Music every single day no matter if i am sad or happy , what ever occasion i will find a song that is suitable. Music is a big passion of mine and i love researching into it, for example the history of artists and the origins of the many music genres. ENJOY :)

Thursday 30 December 2010

Prelim Evaluation

1) Who did you work with and how did you manage the tasks between you?
Explain how you organised your time and schedules.
What issues came up with time management?
What problems did you come up against?
 How did you deal with these?

What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area?
What would you do differently next time?

The group I worked in we had 4 people Abdul, Heena, Alex and myself as a group we decided what everyone’s strengths and weaknesses were and discussed what job role would be best for each person.  At first we decided that Alex and Heena would be the actors, Abdul would be in charge of the camera and I would be director but as we changed our narrative we then decided that Abdul and Alex would act and I would be camera person and Heena would be director. However when shooting it came to all our attentions that I was stronger at directing shots then shooting them.

We did not create a shooting schedule, and this began to show a problem when we came to shooting as we spent too much time on each shot which resulted in us not having a lot of time to shoot the rest of our shots.

During our shooting session we had to stop as we didn’t book the room we was using and in a result of this we had to continue shoot the day after, as the room had been booked for an important meeting.

I think that my weaknesses were that I am not that confident when using the camera also I am not that good with time management. I think my main strengths were that I was good at directing people and this was because i was very good communication skills.

Next time I will make sure that the time management is organised so that we have enough time to shoot each shot. Also make sure that if we need a room that it is booked and available before we start shooting.

2) How did you plan your sequence? What process did you use?

In the beginning we had a choice of three narratives, we decided to go with one that might of not been done before. Two of us worked to the rough story board planning all the shots that would be used and the other two worked on the rough of the script after we done that we brought the storyboard and script together and made appropriate changes to both to make sure the storyline fit and to make sure we had included shot reverse shot, followed the 180 degree rule, kept the continuity and made sure we had everything stated to us on the brief.

We did not use a location recce which would of come in handy as we would of been able to discuss the pros and cons of are location, one of the cons being is that the room maybe booked that day. We also used the teacher’s comments to help choose the right shots in our storyboard.

3) What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?

What did you learn about using the cameras?
Here you can also refer to the discussions we have had in class recently about digital cameras.

During production we used a Canon camera and a Libec tripod, depending on the shots we decided how the tripod was placed some types we had it right up high and sometimes very low but it was mostly at the height of the camera woman’s shoulder. When setting up the tripod we had to think about and remember that the spirit level was in the right place otherwise are shots would be uneven and we would notice this when we came to editing. 
The Canon camera that we used at first was quite difficult to use, however after guidance and practise we was able to use the camera with ease. As the director I had make the shot was correct I did this by looking into the view finder which was located on the top camera and was able to be pulled out and I could see what the shot looked liked.
Recently all analogue televisions have been changed over to digital this is because local relay transmitters are only able to transmit an analogue TV signal. After switchover, for the first time, local relay transmitters will be able to transmit a digital signal and increase the number of channels available from around 5 to around 15.

4) What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?

When planning are group tried to make that we had everything covered like the storyboard, script, and who was completing what role. Unfortunately we forgot to include a location recce and we only remembered to do a shooting schedule when we was actually shooting and discovered that a shooting schedule would benefit us as we were working.
When shooting we found it hard to keep track of time and was spending too much time on each shot. Also as one group members had sporting functions to attend to both days we had to shoot this was an inconvenience as we needed him as he was in most shots. As we had to shoot over two days we had tried to make sure that we kept continuity or example trying to keep the room furniture the same , keep object around the room the same and try to make sure the characters wear the same clothes and have the same hair styles.
As there was a lot of editing to be done as a group we decided that if anyone had free time within school hours that we would use that time to come back and edit the sequence.

5) How successful was your sequence?
Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?

What made our sequence successful is that during pre production and production we all worked together as a team and it was very easy to make decisions quickly and easily. However during production I think that if the group had more focus we wouldn’t have had to keep re-taking shots which wasted a lot of time. Also in pre production we should of pr-booked the conference room this would have also saved us less complication and we wouldn’t have had to use an extra day to shoot. As in editing we noticed a lot of things that had changed when putting the shots together for example the clock time had changed, one of the group’s members was not wearing the exact clothes and shoes as he did the day before, in some shots the actor has a watch on then it’s a different colour then he doesn’t have one on at all. So next time we have to make sure we try and film all on the same day.

6) What have you learnt from completing the task?

 Discuss time management skills, group work skills, organisational skills and technical skills of production.

I have learnt in this task about management skills , that it is not that easy to get a group of people to concentrate so that a task can be completed , however  I really enjoyed being the director and having control of the production part of the task. I feel that it helped me a lot too progress my communication skills and help develop my confidence.

I believe that I have also ways been able to work well in a group because I love to listen to everyone’s ideas, so working in a group was easy as if we worked on this task separately I would of found it really difficult to complete the  Preliminary task.

I think that my organisation skills was not that good as the room did not get booked which resulted us on missing out on shoot time, also there was no shooting schedule made until I created while after we started shooting

Even though my main role was director I also had some time shoot some of the shots, this was so I had some experience with using the camera. As director I also had to make sure that the right camera shots, camera movements and camera angles were correct according to the storyboard.

7) Post production - What did you learn about the editing process?
How did you make decisions while editing?
How did you plan your time to complete the editing task?
What were your strengths and weaknesses in this area?
What would you do differently next time?

To edit we used Adobe Premiere Pro I learnt that the process which you save the sequence onto the computer is called digitizing and that you must save all the shots that you want and get rid of the ones that you defiantly were not going to use in the sequence, before you started putting the shots together in the right order within the sequence.
During the editing process the main decisions I made were making sure that the right shots were used within the sequence and that the sequence completely flowed and that any mistakes that were made was edited out. I also helped put together the first half of the sequence on the timeline I enjoyed this process as I was able to see our hard getting put together in the finial production.
As editing is a big process we had to and we had to make sure everyone had a chance to edit as a group we decided that if anyone had free time within school hours that we would use that time to come back and edit the sequence and also use after school time.
I think that my main strength during the editing process was that I was really good at picking what shots worked well in the sequence and what order they should go in. I think that my weaknesses were that I did not know how to use the effects and transitions effectively.
Next I use the editing software I would like to be able to know how to use the effects and transitions also I would like to be able to know how to digitize without any help or guidance.

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