About Me

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I am a fun loving girl who sometimes be over excitable. I love anything Sporty and never mind getting my hands dirty. I don't have a favorite colour because I love anything that is bursting bright with colours. I am hard working , and i work well independently , but i also can work very well in a group.I will have a go at what ever anyone throws at me even i know it will be a challenge for me to succeed at. I Listen to Music every single day no matter if i am sad or happy , what ever occasion i will find a song that is suitable. Music is a big passion of mine and i love researching into it, for example the history of artists and the origins of the many music genres. ENJOY :)

Sunday 23 January 2011

Original Film Idea Mood-Board

My original film openings were had drama genre’s they were based around teenagers, self harming, school, death, drugs, alcohol and other sad themes. This is because I wanted to have an idea based around real life stories that happen everyday and a story that young people to relate to. 

Location Reece


-         Able to use it all day as it is booked and not in use
-         Can be designed to exactly how we want the set to look
-         Indoors therefore no weather problems
-         Equipment (camera, tripod etc.) is stored within the studio storeroom therefore it doesn’t take long to set up and put away as its on location and doesn’t need to be moved anywhere
-         No interruptions by other students as there is no one in the studio except our group
-         We can change lighting to how we want it
-         Props & set design can all be left on location as room can be locked so no one else can enter
-         Creating the set ourselves may effect the realism outcome
-         The studio isn’t sound proof therefore if there are people making noise outside the camera will pick up the sound which means we wil be unable to film during break and lunch times and during lesson changes

Quad – Outside

-         It is outside which adds effect to the scene as it may appear more mysterious
-         The setting is already there for us to use therefore doesn’t need to be made by us

-         Weather may change which will affect filming on day
-         It is a shortcut to get to certain places therefore will constantly have people walking through it
-         It is in the middle of classrooms therefore may attract unwanted attention by others which can affect filming as it may get in the way or distract us
-         Even if weather if fine, it may be windy. This means the camera may pick up the sound of the wind.
-         Is usually busy during break times, lunch times, and in between lesson changes which means time needs to be taken out of filming
-         Props and equipment are not on location therefore carrying them to and from location causes a risk in case of any damages
-         If the weather begins to change the equipment may get damaged
-         Lighting cannot be changed
-         It gets dark early which means all filming that takes place outside needs to happen before it gets dark which puts pressure on us as we have shorter time to complete it all.



-         Set is already there for us to use therefore does not need to be produced
-         Indoors therefore no problems with weather
-         Props ONLY can be left on location
-         Has curtains which means no one will be able to see what is taking place which means no distractions.

-         Quite obvious that it is a classroom which breaks realism if we ere to portray it as something else
-         May be in use at certain times throughout the day which means we will be unable to film for the entire day
-         It is in an area where people pass by a lot during break times, lunch times and during lesson changes. Therefore filming cannot take place through entire day.
-         Equipment cannot be left on location as others may need to be in the classroom. This means a risk when carrying equipment to and from location and also takes more time.
-         Lighting cannot be changed



-         Setting is already set for us and therefore does not need to be produced by us from scratch
-         It is indoors which means no weather problems

-         It is in an area where people pass by a lot during break times, lunch times and during lesson changes. Therefore filming cannot take place through entire day.
-         Equipment or props cannot be left on location therefore need to be carried to and from location which poses a risk of damaging equipment and also takes longer time
-         Lighting cannot be changed
-         May be in use at certain times throughout the day which means we will be unable to film for the entire day.

Monday 17 January 2011

Script - First Draft

Sarah :Nicholas I need to tell you something (pause) I’m pregnant.

Jonathan walks over to Nicholas who is tied up and unconscious and stands towering over Nicholas’s body.

Nicholas abruptly opens his eyes directly into the camera

Nicholas : I already told its over and I ain’t having no baby

Jonathan : How could he do this to my little girl (Shout angrily)

Jonathan walks through door , into the room. He then walks across the room and aggressively steps on a photo of Nicholas.

In this script we did not include what  location  we would be shooting in and what time we would be shooting. We also did not include the props we had in the shot, we learnt by not having this we was not clear on what we needed for the screen, this then made us waste time as we was not organised. We included the stage derections as we do not have a lot of dialouge in out opening sequence

Storyboard -First Draft


We decieded to use panning so that we could establish the sceen.


We decieded to use a medium long shot to have a creative way of estbalishing the character.

We used close ups to show differnt objects and we wanted to have the quick cuts to build and add tension.

we used extrreme close up of the eyes to give suspence and to keep the audince interested.