About Me

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I am a fun loving girl who sometimes be over excitable. I love anything Sporty and never mind getting my hands dirty. I don't have a favorite colour because I love anything that is bursting bright with colours. I am hard working , and i work well independently , but i also can work very well in a group.I will have a go at what ever anyone throws at me even i know it will be a challenge for me to succeed at. I Listen to Music every single day no matter if i am sad or happy , what ever occasion i will find a song that is suitable. Music is a big passion of mine and i love researching into it, for example the history of artists and the origins of the many music genres. ENJOY :)

Sunday 7 November 2010

Analysis of Opening Sequence “Bridget Jones’ Diary- Edge Of Reason”

The first thing you notice that iss creative is how the credits are set out in the film opening. The director have choose to link the credits with the diary in the first shot using the same style writing as if you were writing in a diary.The creativity of the of the opening sequence is important as it is another way to keep the audience involved and interested.The director used a lot close ups of the characters to help the audience to establish who they are. The director also set the scene in the first 5 shots this is show the audience don’t get bored and stop watching, as it gets straight to the point. They have to do do this as the film is part of a sequel and they have to retract the steps with out wasting time.In the film opening the narrator establishes the characters this is used at the start so that the audience knows who everyone is and there personality. Character establishment is important in a film opening so that the audience knows who he story is about and who it involves. And by establishing characters the audience can get an idea of what type of movie is going to be about. The close up used helps establish the characters and learn about their characteristics. The music is parallel to the shots that the directors choose. The director had to choose the correct music to set the mood for the opening sequence. This gives the audience an idea of what the film is going to be about, or at least how the film starts. The creativity of  the opening sequence is important as it is another way to keep the audience involved and interested.

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